so life in the pv ain't all fun and sunshine (and psycho-thunderstorm rainy). living here requires a herculean amount of patience. why, you ask? well, no matter what one may think, this is still a developing country.
a top-five list of things that have required my patience (since i suspect a lack of patience wouldn't get things accomplished any quicker anyway), if you will:
1. the first day i arrived here, i stood at the luggage carousel until there were no bags left to pick up and all the other passengers had left. my luggage was lost. i camped out in my apartment that first night in the clothes i'd travelled in. bienvenidos a mexico, me!
2. during my first week of living here, i had no hot water. the gas-run hot-water heater thing was broken. repair ppl came to fix it, but after they fixed it, flames would catch onto the wiring and the whole thing would set on fire. it must've been a sight to see me pointing to the water heater, enthusiastically shouting fuego! while the repairman looked on. luckily, it was hot as hell here anyway, so i didn't really need hot water that badly.
3. we still don't have internet at home yet. i'm currently writing this from my brand new second home, the 24-hr internet cafe down the road that has wireless laptop capabilities. in order to get dsl installed at home, we have to install a new phone line (we currently have some fucked-up phone card calling system at our place), and to do that, we have to get permission from the complex owners. after we get that, it'll take a while to get the line installed. i'll be happy if i can surf the web from my bed by springtime. but i'm definitely not holding my breath.
4. laundry. ah, laundry. it's normal to have it done for you here, and they charge you per kg of clothing. the manager of our complex gave us the number of a place that will have it picked up and delivered, so we've been using this place. i have no idea why we haven't given up on them yet, since every week something goes wrong. either they don't pick up the laundry when they say they will or they don't deliver it the day we expect them to. i've run into a lot of i-have-no-underwear-left situations in the past few weeks. this past week, their delivery/drop-off timing was perfect, only i was missing a very cherished bra that i stupidly gave them to wash. i really, really hope the laundry man is a non-existent-bra-size victoria's secret fetishist, since he swears the bra was never there, and i would bet my very-tanned left arm that it was.
one of the lovely library ladies at my school offered to have a TGIL-day (the "L" being laundry) w/ me where i can use the machines at her house, and i'm seriously hoping she was serious.
5. i still don't have a bank card yet. my salary is supposed to be direct-deposited into my bank account. i still don't have a bank card yet.
nor do i have my teacher's ID, which would allow me to buy my school uniform at a discounted price at the dept. store where it's available. i don't need to have a uniform, but i hate having to decide what to wear everyday. i'm considering just bringing in the issue of the newspaper where the faces of all us new teachers are plastered on the cover. that's as good as a teacher's ID, no?
and now here's a terrible joke i heard on t.v. this morning:
what did the mexican fire chief name his two sons?
hose a and hose b
post-post disclaimer: my intention is not really to be snarky or racist or snide or ungrateful in this entry. truly. despite all this mildly frustrating stuff (which even i'll admit is nothing, compared to my friend, who's been waiting something like three weeks to spend a fortune for his car to be fixed after having hit a truck that had a pregnant woman fall out of it), i'm still very much enjoying my time here, as my previous posts have hopefully conveyed.
i went to see a relatively new movie in a swanky cineplex for 30 pesos ($3 US) last night! beat that!
a top-five list of things that have required my patience (since i suspect a lack of patience wouldn't get things accomplished any quicker anyway), if you will:
1. the first day i arrived here, i stood at the luggage carousel until there were no bags left to pick up and all the other passengers had left. my luggage was lost. i camped out in my apartment that first night in the clothes i'd travelled in. bienvenidos a mexico, me!
2. during my first week of living here, i had no hot water. the gas-run hot-water heater thing was broken. repair ppl came to fix it, but after they fixed it, flames would catch onto the wiring and the whole thing would set on fire. it must've been a sight to see me pointing to the water heater, enthusiastically shouting fuego! while the repairman looked on. luckily, it was hot as hell here anyway, so i didn't really need hot water that badly.
3. we still don't have internet at home yet. i'm currently writing this from my brand new second home, the 24-hr internet cafe down the road that has wireless laptop capabilities. in order to get dsl installed at home, we have to install a new phone line (we currently have some fucked-up phone card calling system at our place), and to do that, we have to get permission from the complex owners. after we get that, it'll take a while to get the line installed. i'll be happy if i can surf the web from my bed by springtime. but i'm definitely not holding my breath.
4. laundry. ah, laundry. it's normal to have it done for you here, and they charge you per kg of clothing. the manager of our complex gave us the number of a place that will have it picked up and delivered, so we've been using this place. i have no idea why we haven't given up on them yet, since every week something goes wrong. either they don't pick up the laundry when they say they will or they don't deliver it the day we expect them to. i've run into a lot of i-have-no-underwear-left situations in the past few weeks. this past week, their delivery/drop-off timing was perfect, only i was missing a very cherished bra that i stupidly gave them to wash. i really, really hope the laundry man is a non-existent-bra-size victoria's secret fetishist, since he swears the bra was never there, and i would bet my very-tanned left arm that it was.
one of the lovely library ladies at my school offered to have a TGIL-day (the "L" being laundry) w/ me where i can use the machines at her house, and i'm seriously hoping she was serious.
5. i still don't have a bank card yet. my salary is supposed to be direct-deposited into my bank account. i still don't have a bank card yet.
nor do i have my teacher's ID, which would allow me to buy my school uniform at a discounted price at the dept. store where it's available. i don't need to have a uniform, but i hate having to decide what to wear everyday. i'm considering just bringing in the issue of the newspaper where the faces of all us new teachers are plastered on the cover. that's as good as a teacher's ID, no?
and now here's a terrible joke i heard on t.v. this morning:
what did the mexican fire chief name his two sons?
hose a and hose b
post-post disclaimer: my intention is not really to be snarky or racist or snide or ungrateful in this entry. truly. despite all this mildly frustrating stuff (which even i'll admit is nothing, compared to my friend, who's been waiting something like three weeks to spend a fortune for his car to be fixed after having hit a truck that had a pregnant woman fall out of it), i'm still very much enjoying my time here, as my previous posts have hopefully conveyed.
i went to see a relatively new movie in a swanky cineplex for 30 pesos ($3 US) last night! beat that!
At 1:40 PM, September 22, 2005,
gbgb said…
*falls off chair laughing*
THEY PRINTED IT!!!!! hahahahhahaha
although they totally fucked around with what i said!? *checks* yes, yes they did. i said " '69 VINTAGE' a place to go for those with poor pockets?' and they put "IS 69 vintage..blahblahblah" which made it sound like i was asking a question rather than bitching them out! & they posted my last name! what gives! i just signed it "galine" i wasn't expected my last name to be printed. oh well. it's still funny regardless.;)
At 1:47 PM, September 22, 2005,
gbgb said…
okay now to comment on this entry!
1/thank you so much for your postcard, it made it back home (i love that it was actually made here haha) & is doing well on my desk!
2/i love that i already know about all of these things you listed;)
i hope that librarian does follow through with the offer!! it'd be so much easier for you rather than going through the crap you've been dealing with! *comes home to find dirty laundry still at doorstep* boo i say, boo! you're a business, follow through folks!
what movie did you seeee?! $3 is a pretty dandy price! i'm hoping i will get to see "last days" this weekend, although it's by the same director who made "elephant" & well, i thought that film was overrated. so if means sitting on my ass for an hour plus in silence with random bits of dialogue i'm not so sure i want to see it! what i do want to see & is playing the same day (but which i can wait on because it's also playing in october) is "me & you & everyone we know". hooray for historical theatres & cheap prices!!!
.the madhatter. x
At 2:32 PM, September 22, 2005,
gbgb said…
"only i was missing a very cherished bra that i stupidly gave them to wash. i really, really hope the laundry man is a non-existent-bra-size victoria's secret fetishist, since he swears the bra was never there, and i would bet my very-tanned left arm that it was."
hahahahahahhaha i totally missed this!!! what the hell, i wonder if he stole it for his girlfriend / wife / who knows, maybe he does have a bra fetish? maybe he dresses in drag from time to time & found it suitable for his wardrobe?
okay, back again just to say they ALSO (they being NOW) took away me saying the shirt was fit for a 10 year old! which makes my fucking rant even more valid seeing that who in their right mind would pay close to $50 for a kids sweater?! i knew they'd just end up re-wording what i wrote...what jerks!
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