more musings later (i'm currently stressing myself out w/ unmarked exams and uncalculated final grades) -- for now, pictures from my new digital camera:
one corner of my room here. note pile of clothes strewn in an unruly fashion on top of bookshelf.

the wall to the left of the photo above when facing it. my door is located between the two pictures.

there's a gecko on my bed!!!

i didn't take a full pic of my bed 'cause at this particular moment, it's buried in clothes and i am ashamed of its current disarray...perhaps i will show the fourth wall when i've pulled myself together.
one corner of my room here. note pile of clothes strewn in an unruly fashion on top of bookshelf.

the wall to the left of the photo above when facing it. my door is located between the two pictures.

there's a gecko on my bed!!!

i didn't take a full pic of my bed 'cause at this particular moment, it's buried in clothes and i am ashamed of its current disarray...perhaps i will show the fourth wall when i've pulled myself together.
At 12:29 AM, February 04, 2006,
oxymoron said…
doesn't chuth look afraid of the gecko? ;)
my dad thought the geck was fake--he thought it was a joke toy! :D
At 2:18 PM, February 08, 2006,
gbgb said…
wow your room is gorgeous & i want a pet gecko. i'd name him fred. sure, i name all things fred but i think fred would be a great name for a gecko;)
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