i can't really type much now (LITERALLY--you'll see, eventually), but a psycho story will be on its way as soon as i can. it may freak some of you out, but i'll keep you on the edge of yer seat for the time being. just wanted to give a little explanation as to why i haven't communicated w/ anybody lately. sorry--i seriously just can't write long msgs at the moment.
perhaps next week?
perhaps next week?
At 7:51 PM, September 28, 2005,
gbgb said…
way to leave a criptic post, alice! leave me worrying why dont you! *sobs into my pillah*
i hope you're okay chang! x
At 10:26 PM, October 03, 2005,
gbgb said…
it's been (near) a week. where are you missy! i worry like a mom worries. only i promise not to drive you crazy;)
there's something waiting for you in your email & i'm pretty confident that it'll make you happier than a letter from me would.
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