so it's almost 6 a.m. and i'm just getting in from another night on the town in vallarta. i don't know why i'm always surprised it turns out this way, but let's just say it was once again a bizarre and slightly frustrating experience. i'm too tired to type out the whole tedious story now, so here's the gist of it:
- it was (subtly) married-man night at de santos.
translation: men from guadalajara who openly admitted they are married (interestingly enough, only one out of about six that we spoke to was wearing a wedding ring), some even with FIVE kids, blatantly hit on us ("us" being me and my fellow asian-in-crime lisa) and actually believed they had a chance
-it was also seemingly-wealthy-yet-sadly-psycho guy night at de santos.
meaning? an obviously plastered dude who is apparently taking a two-year "sabbatical" from working, yet can still afford to drive a beemer, told us barely-coherent stories about doing blow and being wrongly-accused of terrorist involvement or something in canada. he gave us his number and implored us to call him as he drove away in the bmw
last weekend at de santos, we met two pretty cool guys who manage the local college radio station here and had pretty decent conversations with them. unfortunately, it turned out they were only willing to interact with us if there was some chance of romance, which we weren't really feeling. these guys would've been awesome hang-out buddies and fun peeps with whom to shoot the shit. but no. friendship just wasn't in the cards.
is it so hard to find some people of the opposite sex who don't give off a strong stench of desperation and utter psychotic-ness? apparently, the answer is yes.
obviously, we need to stop frequenting de santos as much as we do, but there really aren't very many other options, and those slim options are truly no better, and very possibly not even as good.
the solution? weekend roadtrips and cheap flights to mexican cities.
for now?
to bed!
- it was (subtly) married-man night at de santos.
translation: men from guadalajara who openly admitted they are married (interestingly enough, only one out of about six that we spoke to was wearing a wedding ring), some even with FIVE kids, blatantly hit on us ("us" being me and my fellow asian-in-crime lisa) and actually believed they had a chance
-it was also seemingly-wealthy-yet-sadly-psycho guy night at de santos.
meaning? an obviously plastered dude who is apparently taking a two-year "sabbatical" from working, yet can still afford to drive a beemer, told us barely-coherent stories about doing blow and being wrongly-accused of terrorist involvement or something in canada. he gave us his number and implored us to call him as he drove away in the bmw
last weekend at de santos, we met two pretty cool guys who manage the local college radio station here and had pretty decent conversations with them. unfortunately, it turned out they were only willing to interact with us if there was some chance of romance, which we weren't really feeling. these guys would've been awesome hang-out buddies and fun peeps with whom to shoot the shit. but no. friendship just wasn't in the cards.
is it so hard to find some people of the opposite sex who don't give off a strong stench of desperation and utter psychotic-ness? apparently, the answer is yes.
obviously, we need to stop frequenting de santos as much as we do, but there really aren't very many other options, and those slim options are truly no better, and very possibly not even as good.
the solution? weekend roadtrips and cheap flights to mexican cities.
for now?
to bed!
At 7:20 PM, September 25, 2006,
gbgb said…
it's shit like this that makes me think i never ever ever want to get married.
and situations like this are so fucking akward too. bah.
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