i've been thinking a lot about all the places i went to last year. it's weird, but it's really only now that i've truly realized i travelled like crazy in 2005. i visited a dozen different countries (not counting the states or canada), and i've noticed that it usually took awhile for me to actually soak in the fact that i'd been to those places. i went to guatemala in february, and i don't think it really hit me that i'd gone until around april (i still miss those little toddlers i played w/ everyday); backpacked through europe in the summer (10 countries in six weeks!) and only now am i really finally beginning to reflect on the whole experience. i still find it kind of surreal when i find myself telling friends about the time i was in antwerp, or budapest, or zurich.
and now i'm in mexico. i really didn't feel the full impact of this fact until i was at home for the holidays. it just seemed slightly absurd that i'd been walking on sand by the pacific ocean one week, surrounded by mexicans (and tourists) and then the next, i was strolling down college st. bundled in a winter jacket and scarf, marvelling at the ethnic diversity we have in the city.
since i've returned to vallarta, i've frequently been pondering where i wanna go for summer vacation. i've already got spring break covered (guanajuato, san miguel de allende, maybe queretaro, and for sure, mexico city), so i'm thinking even further in advance.
i suddenly have a hankering to see buenos aires (the globe and mail article i read today in the travel section sure helped). or maybe i should explore more of canada; i've always wanted to visit the east coast, and halifax in particular. or perhaps i've been away from new york for too long and we need to reaquaint ourselves...or then again, maybe chicago and i need to be introduced.
my head is full of potential travel plans.
and now i'm in mexico. i really didn't feel the full impact of this fact until i was at home for the holidays. it just seemed slightly absurd that i'd been walking on sand by the pacific ocean one week, surrounded by mexicans (and tourists) and then the next, i was strolling down college st. bundled in a winter jacket and scarf, marvelling at the ethnic diversity we have in the city.
since i've returned to vallarta, i've frequently been pondering where i wanna go for summer vacation. i've already got spring break covered (guanajuato, san miguel de allende, maybe queretaro, and for sure, mexico city), so i'm thinking even further in advance.
i suddenly have a hankering to see buenos aires (the globe and mail article i read today in the travel section sure helped). or maybe i should explore more of canada; i've always wanted to visit the east coast, and halifax in particular. or perhaps i've been away from new york for too long and we need to reaquaint ourselves...or then again, maybe chicago and i need to be introduced.
my head is full of potential travel plans.